Sunday, August 29, 2004

The fourth branch of the government

The media, we have the power to sway a vote, convict a criminal guilty or not, trigger investigations, stop wars (sometimes) and create a false fear. The public has learned via the media to fear the black man and although some outlets have a policy of not mentioning the race of a suspect, there are other ways of mentioning someone's race, for example lets say the suspect was Asian the reporter will mention something like the suspect is well known in Chinatown and has lived there all his life... Or my favorite race mentioning without mentioning race is the suspect was last seen running toward an area that you know only a certain race lives like in the black part of town, I mean really, what is the chance that a white man was seen running into the projects after shooting two people. Another thing you may not notice have you ever listen to the double standard when it comes to blacks? For example if a crime or something negative was mentioned in the newscast that person more than likely will be called Black, However if that person had done something good they would be referred to as an African American.... Think about it Black on Black Crime is bad an African American Church is good...The Black Community is bad but the African American community is usually good. If you don't believe me just watch the news....We are taught to believe black is bad.. I do not plan to go on a rant about race I just want to open your eyes and your ears when you watch the local and national news.

The news has changed over the years, in the beginning when the news was run by newsies, where they you take two or three days to work a story. Thing are so different now everything is run by corporations and news consultants who don't have a clue what real news is... There was a time when reporters would go out and search for and dig up great stories, now when we arrive at work we are handed the morning paper and are forced to chase a story with absolutely no broadcast value or visuals so what you end up seeing is a bunch of talking heads and some file footage instead of getting three days to turn a story the are usually allowed 5 hours...This is why he media get the story wrong sometimes, because deadlines come pretty quick and not every reporter checks every lead... Most of the time we wait until some other station breaks a story so we can quote an unknown source there by absolving ourselves of any responsibility.


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