Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Myopic Zeal the word of the day!

Myopic Zeal is what they are calling the fiasco at CBS, after the ax came down on four employees, including two executive's. There was even one report saying Dan Rather called in sick on the day of the firings. They Call it Myopic Zeal, I call it business as usual. As more and more news organizations cut their budgets you will see more of this not checking the facts kind of mentality, "its better to be first and wrong that to be last and right" The news media is losing it credibility ok I take that back what I meant to say is, Has Lost its credibility. Fake live shots misinformation, slanted opinions, you name it its in the main stream media everyday, and when someone tries to speak up about they are fired blacklisted. You gotta love America!


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